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Updated on 3/21/07

[3/8] Qinway student Paul created a painting (see left) to represent his profound Soul Travel experience during retreat. In his own words: "I am very excited about a new piece of art I had designed for me and placed on my wall-- it is 8ft x 10ft in size. It is a picture of a vision I had during Soul Travel with Grandmaster Qinyin - in my first October 2005 Special Ability Rejuvenation Retreat. My question is would Master be willing to energize the painting with 930 energy and if so what donation would be appropriate. Attached is photo. Thank you so much and I look forward to receiving my recent order of energized objects, and food. Best Chi, Paul, California".

The next Special Ability Rejuvenation Retreat will be held during June 29 - July 2, 2007 in Honolulu, Hawaii. There are only very limited seats. Please register early to catch this great rare opportunity!

[3/7/07] Qinway Brought "Healing", Fortune Deity Statue Brought "Fortune"

Grandmaster Qinyin, thank you once again for your time and assistance. I am feeling a greater and greater spiritual connection. I feel that I am releasing old hurts , resentments and grief. I am feeling more forgiving and giving. I feel that I am developing more compassion for "ordinary people" and their low energy ways, although I know that I need continued development in this area. Overall, I feel lighter, almost as though I am floating at times when I am walking or standing during everyday activity.

Physically, the sciatica has improved since last week and I expect it to be gone soon. I continue to have much less hair loss than I had before the retreat. My eyelashes are not growing back in the bald spots yet, but I believe that they will in time. I have not experienced dry eyes at all since the retreat. My heartbeat that I could hear loudly in my ear before the retreat has softened now. Although, I wouldn't say that I am doing more activity than I was before the retreat and bigu, I would say that I am now feeling more passionate and seem to have more initiative to do things. I am feeling more grateful and positive. The skin on my face looks much better. It seems to be firmer and smoother. I do continue to get rashes on my torso but I figure that that is vital chi attacking. I am working on improving my home energy as well.

I wanted to let you both know that Monday, when I received the Fortune Deity Statue (see right picture), my husband and I also received a check from our mortgage company. The check was for $612.00, an overage amount that was in our escrow account. We were not expecting to receive this check! The really neat thing about it is that the check is dated the same day that master Qinyin made her recommendation that my husband and I obtain the Fortune Deity!!! Thank you master Qinyin! I look forward to continued fortune and personal spiritual growth. - Kathleen (Texas)


[1/28/07] A notable physical occurrence is the healing of my left thumb, which had been stiff and essentially frozen for the last several years. This was the result of old injuries and arthritis. Recently, it developed a pronounced red rash along the topside for no known reason. Then it suddenly began functioning normally, with only a slight and barely noticeable stiffness remaining for a while. Now it is completely mobile and normal and the "rash" - which I assume now was the result of vital chi "attacking" the problem - has disappeared. This is a wonderful happening - not only in regaining the normal use of that thumb but as an indication that my other injured and stiffened fingers can likewise eventually be unfrozen and return to normal. In the meantime, all the pain is gone that I had constantly experienced prior to starting Qinway Qigong practice.

I now enter higher dimensional qigong states quickly and deeply. There are incredibly palpable energetic feelings and visualizations connected with this, but the experiences are profoundly serene, tranquil and blissful at the same time. Powerful qi, wu, wuji and wu kong experiences are a constant now. I'm looking forward to further revelations, but feel guided by heaven and unattached to any conceptualized results. The Dao, and the vitalizing qi as its function, know best. - J. G. (Ojai, CA)

[1/21/07] Renowned Special Ability Rejuvenation Retreat was successfully completed. New students started to transform their body/mind/spirit quickly. Below are part of their great experiences during retreat:

(When healing each other) Good result from healing treatment. Worked with three techniques - positive results on all...Very good dreams. Much information. Excellent energy. (During Soul travel) As energy built, there was a lot of shaking in the body. When thunder sounded, it was like rock splitting in 3rd eye area, then in heart area, Lower Dantian. Feeling free flying in space very open. Upper and Middle Dantians disappearred into open space. Much light, three gold lights then one bigger one into 3rd eye when commanded. Whole body tingling, vibrating and peeling to open at end. (During Crown Infusion) Image of Quanyin Buddha - in eight petal mandala in heart - petals revolving in both directions. Golden light. Combination of practical and spiritual. Very good. -- B. P. (Kaneohe, HI)

(When doing palm diagnosis) Could feel tingling on palm around lungs, slight temperature changes, warm around liver and cooler around kidneys, ...(Communicating with trees) Trees felt like they were pulling me toward them. Felt this in my hands and arms. Body felt more emotionally clear. I just kept trying to give best love. (Wuji Needle) Felt tingling down my thumb on inside and pointer finger to where they touched each other. This retreat recertified my connection to China, and why it feels like home. - J. U. (Canada)

(When doing finger growing experiment) Finger noticeably longer and back short again as expected. I felt better both physically and emotionally today than I did on day 1 and 2. This morning much burning on Bubbling Spring Point, then it discharged and was more comfortable. High energy field! - L. L. (Sacramento, CA)

Passing gases from bowels - very smelly. Severe pain in Lower Dantian for five minutes at mid-day. Periodic sweating. (Communicating with trees) This was an incredible and wonderful experience. I actually felt the tree "talk" to me strongly and responded to me - then I felt the tree breathe in and out several times. Awesome! The concept of detoxification was made very clear. I hope to use this system for good health in spirit, mental, physical, emotional and karmic. - M. M. (Maui, HI)

(Soul travel) Felt strong energy from Master which caused my whole body to shake uncontrollably. (Third eye) Was able to see organs become brighter and change color. (Remote diagnosis) I received verification from Sam for my diagnosis of sympathetic nervous system problem, and high blood pressure. I felt strong energy at those points on my right hand. (Crown Infusion) Felt strong vibrating energy that moved my head. Felt strong pull towards Master! Head pulled back at times. It is obvious that Master functions on a higher dimension. Thank you for verifying many things for me. I now have some confidence so as not to function like "ordinary people". - K. S. (Texas)

My neck and left shoulder areas and hand are less painful. (Crown Infusion) I did feel very warm sensation from crown - head and whole body. (Wuji Needle) I did feel very strong sensation at Hukou Point on my hand. Most exercises are energizing. - S. T. (Honolulu, HI)

My heart is very grateful for Grandmaster Qinyin's offering. During Invisible Crown Infusion, I felt a warm stream flowing through body. Although I didn't see the Wuji Needle too clearly, I did verify it through the pricking sensation on my palm at the Huko point. - S. C. (CA)

(While communicating with the Ocean Spirit) I saw orange and blue colors when I looked up to the sky, saw orange and red colors when I looked into the Ocean and saw orange and yellow colors when I looked down to the Earth. In the mean time, my palms felt warm. (During communicating with trees) My left hand was more tingling than the right hand. I felt more energetic afterwards. - R. L. (Honolulu, HI)

(While seeing aura) I saw slight white light around my fingers, and saw different people had different colors of lights above their heads, which were changing as they meditated. (During tree communication) I could feel the history of trees and their Qi. (During Soul Travel) I felt I was with Buddhas, then I toured many mountained and rivers in the nature. (During 3rd eye opening) I felt white light, purple light, and pink light impacted upon my third eye. I felt very relaxed and happy during Marrow Washing, and my remote diagnoses were very close to the truth. - J. H. (San Jose, CA)

(During the finger growing experiment) My five fingers grew taller and taller just like bamboo (fingertips felt being pulled). (During Crown Infusion) I visualized I turned into a big lotus, and then a golden gourd with rainbow lights. Afterwards I passed through forest after forest, and saw clouds and fogs above mountains. - W. C. (CA)

[1/1/07] Interdimensional experiences have increased even further. They are incredibly beautiful and create a deep sense of coherence, peace, and equanimity. Time seems to be transcended and a feeling of lightness to the point of levitation and "disappearance" occurs. During the Spontaneous Adjustment exercise, I do "wave hands like clouds" as an essentially spontaneous inclusion and I immediately am immersed in wuji and wu kong. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of the practice sequence because of the dimensional shift. Parts of my hands will sometimes temporarily seem to disappear even when they're passing before my face. During one of the 8 Guan Yin exercises, I can see a pronounced energy aura around my hands and parts of them will sometimes seem to be transparent, particularly the right hand. Higher dimensional colors and patterns continue to appear, along with images of beautiful clear light. There are also frequent appearances of what look like energetic patterns. Meditation continues to deepen. My Heavenly Third Eye is obviously open during practice. Wu is strong, and relevant reading material comes to me in a timely way to further my understanding of what is happening. - J. G. (Ojai, CA)


[12/19/06] Happy Holidays! I would like to share with you that I got married in Fresno, Ca, on December 15, 2006. This has been a very special year for me. My best decision was to attend Qinway Qigong's 4-day retreat in January 2006.

Before going to Qinway's retreat, I felt there were many uncertainties in my life. I was out of work and I was having health issues. My personal life was not settled. It was a frustrating time in my life. Going through the retreat was a great experience. The Bigu and the Qigong practice went very well during the retreat. After the retreat, I followed Master Qinyin's instruction to practice Qigong and Bigu. I felt better and better as the days went on. My mind became calmer and more focused. I began to believing in myself again. I also became more positive about what I want to do in my life. In May 2006, I started to take Chinese Medicine classes because I wanted to learn how to take care myself and help other people. In October 2006, I found a contracting job with the Fresno County Community Health Department as a webmaster. In December 2006, Gene and I got married.

Having a career and a family were two of the wishes that I made during my Qinway Qigong's 4-day retreat. Practicing Qinway Qigong has brought great benefits to my life. I am truly thankful for Master Qinyin's guidance in the Qinway system and helped me with my wishes. I will certainly continue my practice. - L. L. (Fresno, CA)

[12/16/06] Master Qinyin's compassionate energy and spirit made me feel so happy and light. I can't explain well in words, but I have this peaceful, blissful feeling. I just want to smile.I felt spiraling energy in my body, like I was getting bigger and expanding. I felt my kidney and liver tingling. I could see a lot of purple and bright lights. - Mr. G. S. (Honolulu)

[12/16/06] I felt myself "open" up completely to healing. I felt a "push" 3 times on my being. At the time Master Qinyin said to release blockages - I felt my heart, head and back (kidneys) release blockages with a tingling feeling. I felt all toxins released out of my body. - Ms. T. G. (Honolulu)

[12/16/06] Much more reports from 12/16/06 Powerful Group Healing

My husband has become more diligent in practicing Qinway Qigong and lost his pot belly, and my son's performance in school has improved significantly, which makes me very happy. I also noticed that their abilities to detoxify have greatly improved. Attending Qinway retreat has really changed the life of my whole family". - R.L. (Honolulu)

[11/28/06] Remember when I came to the retreat I followed it to prepare my body for pregnancy and later on Master advised me to buy the Quanyin Statue with child....well, finally my dream comes true and I am 1 month pregnant. - R.W. (Belgium)

[10/20/06] I went to see my Chiropractor this week and he said that my spine has been gradually becoming more straight over the past six months (of practicing Qinway Qigong). I have seen him for years and he never said this to me before! - T.C. (Ohio)

[09/30] Fantastic Feedbacks from 9/30 Global Remote Healing with Grandmaster Qinyin >>

[09/15/06] I have not been hungry. In general I am healing rapidly and looking younger everyday. I find the deeper I go into visualization the deeper I connect with the universal 7 colors, beings ( masters ) they really assist me in knowing so much, its really amazing!! I would like to thank you so much for guideing me on this journey to universal freedom!! I find myself going through universe talking to Master Qinyin & her Masters!! - R. R. (Maui, HI)

[5/30/06] Since completing my first Retreat in October, 2005, I have continued my Bigu program with the support of Qinway and grandmaster Qinyin until now in May, 2006, and I plan to continue further. I did my second retreat in February, 2006, and I plan to attend the upcoming one in August in Honolulu. Although I practiced and taught martial arts and qigong for several decades, this was a unique experience. This system is incredibly powerful with rapid yet amazingly deep results. Besides losing over 60 pounds, I was able to stop taking a medication with potentially harmful side-effects. Chronic ailments have disappeared and I feel like I am back in my prime in all respects. The positive effects are continuing and increasing.

I'm experiencing strong qi while doing qigong - much stronger than in my previous qigong work and in practicing and mastering martial arts. Sometimes there are feelings of body parts "disappearing" during practice, and seemingly other dimensional scenes and colors appear. There have been various water images - one time a torrent of rushing water - which I regard as positive signs of ongoing cleansing, detoxification and a "cooling down" of my condition of "too much fire." There have been many deep spiritual experiences and realizations as well. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have connected with Qinway and grandmaster Qinyin. -J.G., Ojai, CA


[5/26/06] Now you can order 6 day Remote Healing with Grandmaster Qinyin at 10% discount! Compared with the regular 3 day Remote Healing, 6 day Remote Healing can greatly deepen and consolidate the healing results.

[5/25/06] I felt an influx of spiritual energy filling my body and auric field with light, and I tried to direct some of that energy towards my left foot, where the bunion is. The bigu and the Remote Healing are both giving me a lot more spiritual energy.  - S. Q. (Antioch, CA)

After attending the Special Ability Rejuvenation Retreat, I followed your instructions in rearranging the qi field around the house and plus my daughter also practiced a lot so the energy level of the house has increased sufficiently. Once I was able to practice qigong to the fullest, I benefited from every exercise. The power in each exercise became immense and my body received enough qi to support it. I was able to see with my third eye and develop many special abilities through a connection with Quanyin Buddha. With your extensive help and immeasurable support from Quanyin Buddha and other compassionate beings, all of my illnesses and disease have been cured. I had a chance to detox my body, mind, spirit and soul. I was blessed with many extraordinary spiritual journeys. I have been reborn and from today on, I am a completely new person, full of energy, youth and clarity. I am ready to learn and absorb all of the teachings and dharma from the compassionate beings. Master Qinyin, you are a shining role model for me to live my life in worthiness of your's and of Buddha's teachings. Master Qinyin, I am forever grateful to you for helping me come so far on my journey. Thank you for all that you have done for this world Master Qinyin and best wishes of peace and fulfillment to you in your continuous mission to help others find true health, happiness and enlightenment. - C. N. (Chandler, Arizona)


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