learn healing exercises that can charge yourself with universal high
energy quickly? You have come to the right place -
This unique experiential workshop workshop will introduce you to
the theory and basic principles of energy infusion. The union of energy
infusion and detoxification form the core of the powerful, new Qigong
system - Qinway Qigong created by Grandmaster
will learn eight energizing movements and meditation that greatly enhance
your energy level and enable you to directly experience the power of
Qi in just hours. This is accomplished by expelling toxins from your
body, allowing vital Qi (energy) to flow evenly through your internal
meridians to the various organs.
It is highly effective in relieving pain in the neck, back, shoulder,
arms, and wrist. With continued practice, you will reduce your stress
level, improve your quality of sleep, and heal chronic conditions. Other
important benefits include: achieve weight balance, improve diet, look
younger, spiritual awakening, and more.
Workshop Highlights:
Learn how to detoxify body & spirit, and take
in high energy
Learn eight highly effective Qigong
exercises representing the essence of Qinway Qigong
You may experience vital Qi &
detoxification reactions on the spot with stress and pain relief
Q & A session with Dr. John
Chen, who has practiced and taught Qinway Qigong for over a decade.
FREE Yin Yang Healing Tea will be
Energy Recharge Qigong Compared with
healing benefits
side effects
connect energy
learn & practice
spiritual signals
Recharge Qigong
Healing |
Hour Fitness |
Medicine |
*** a strong
yes ** likely * unlikely
Energy Recharge Qigong is specifically designed for modern people living
in a fast pace society with an ever increasing need to stay stress-free
and energetic. As a spiritual Qigong, it allows you to connect with abundant
universal energy instantly, which greatly saves your time in practicing
other complicated systems. As an ideal tool of preventative medicine,
this is an investment in your health that can significantly increase the
quality of your life, and reduce lifetime medical expense. In short, these
easy-to-follow and highly effective Qigong exercises can change your life
from day one!
Important Tool: Fundamental Healing Qigong DVD Kit
The content of Energy Recharge Qigong Workshop is also available through
Fundamental Healing Qigong DVD Kit, which
include two DVDs and an audio CD energized by Grandmaster Qinyin - if
you live far away from Hawaii or any certified Qinway Qigong instructor
in your local area.
Even if you have taken Energy Recharge Qigong Workshop, Fundamental Healing
Qigong DVD Kit can be immeasurably useful and is highly recommended. First,
all exercises were explained and demonstrated by Grandmaster Qinyin -
the founder of Qinway Qigong. You go to the source directly. Second, you
can watch or listen to them over and over again. Third, Grandmaster Qinyin
infuses universal energy signals into these DVDs and CD such that you
can receive energy transmission when you watch DVDs or practice with audio
CD. More info about Qigong DVD Kit.
Part I: 2 hours on weekend
Part II: 2 hours on the following weekend (review session)
Upcoming workshops (Calendar of Events)
Cost: $98 instruction fee.
Discount: With the purchase of Fundamental
Healing Qigong DVD Kit during or within a month before workshop, the
instruction fee is waived.
Since there are only limited seats, pre-registration through e-mail 930@qinway.org
(808)255-7033. The full balance is due at the beginning of workshop, and
becomes non-refundable once the workshop starts. We accept cash, check,
money order, Visa and MasterCard.
We are sharing with you a health enhancement method, we are not giving
you medical advice. The Qigong instructions and services presented are
in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling or treatment.
Frequently Asked questions
What is Qigong?
Qigong is an ancient Chinese health science that works with energy through
movements and meditation. "Qi" (pronounced as Chi) means energy,
"Gong" means work, so "Qigong" is simply energy
Is Qigong scientific?
Yes. The many health benefits of Qigong are real, measurable, and have
been extensively documented. Qigong has been practiced for thousands
of years in China and now by millions of people worldwide. So we know
it works!
What is Qinway Qigong?
Qinway Qigong is an accelerated complete
healing system blending ancient Qigong immortality techniques and modern
science. It is a simple and highly effective system that can uplift
the body, mind and spirit in a short time.
Who founded Qinway Qigong?
Qinway Qigong was founded by Grandmaster
Qinyin, a foremost Qigong grandmaster and spiritual teacher from
China, who is responsible for many healing miracles throughout the world
What can I get out of Energy Recharge Qigong Workshop?
You will have a deep insight & experience of energy infusion and
detoxification, which goes a long way in understanding the natural healing
process. You will take away with you a powerful set of self healing
exercises that can benefit the rest of your life, and more.
Can Qinway Qigong heal MY disease?
Certainly, there are many different kinds of diseases and conditions.
But when universal energy comes into your body, it starts dissolving
and removing all kinds of toxins - not just some particular kinds. However,
depending on the properties of toxins and how deep they are, the healing
process may take different time.
Are Qigong exercises strenuous?
Qigong, and Qinway Qigong in particular, are very gentle internal movements,
and not strenuous at all.
If I have only limited mobility, can I still learn Qinway Qigong?
Qigong is an internal energy work. Therefore you can modify the
movements to suit your body's special need while doing the same internal
work to achieve the same effects.
Will I be able to do Bigu (energized fasting) by learning
Energy Recharge Qigong?
No. Energy Recharge Qigong alone is not sufficient to support or initiate
bigu (energized fasting), for which one has to attend Special
Ability Rejuvenation Retreat and learn from Grandmaster Qinyin in
person in order to fully open one's energy channels.
Is Energy Recharge Workshop a pre-requisite for attending Special
Ability Rejuvenation Retreat?
No. Although Energy Recharge Workshop prepares you for Special Ability
Rejuvenation Retreat, it is not a pre-requisite.
Can I find stories of people who have benefited greatly
from Qinway Qigong?
Yes! You can
find many inspiring success stories online at the Testimonial
Webpage. Many of our students were grateful for their great progresses,
and sent their feedbacks to us in order to share with others.