Virtue Rewards for Referring Qinway

Qigong . Natural Healing . Rejuvenation . Special Abilities . Enlightenment

High virtue leads to high energy level. This is an important universal karmic law. Qinway Qigong, coming from the holy mission of Quanyin Buddha, Medicine Buddha and other higher beings, provides a great way to accumulate your virtue quickly.

Virtue Rewards for Referring Qinway Products:

You will receive
10% virtue reward (see a sample virtue certificate below), when you refer a friend to Qinway products, including Qigong DVD Kit, Yin-Yang Healing Tea, Healing Food and Energized Objects. Virtue certificates are applicable for ordering all Qinway products & programs (excluding bigu supplies). Your friends will certainly remember your true help for a long long time!

Virtue Rewards for Referring Retreat:

or every direct referral* to Special Ability Rejuvenation Retreat, you will get $180 worth of virtue certificate (see a sample below), which can be used to purchase Qinway products (excluding bigu supplies) or attend Qinway programs within 6 months of issuance, or simply carry with you to strengthen your qi field. Your friends will certainly remember your true help for a long long time!

For indirect referral*, you will get two set of Yin-Yang Healing Tea as a reward. Below is a sample Virtue Certificate.

Download/Distribute Retreat Flier

* Direct referral: Your friend registers in a Qinway Qigong program directly.
* Indirect referral: Your friend registers after consulting with Qinway Qigong Institute.

The Virtue of Referring Yin-Yang Healing Tea:

One of Qinway Qigong's divine missions is to awaken 80 million people to universal energy & spiritual practice through Yin-Yang Healing Tea. This is not Grandmaster Qinyin's personal crusade or anyone else's. It is the divine wish of higher beings and all humanity.

By simply drinking this pleasant Tea, one can reduce stress, get more energy, lower hypertension...and this list of benefits goes on and on. More importantly, it can open a new window in one's life to the realization that universal energy (or Qi) really exists! Just this can very well become a turning point in one's spiritual life (in the end, only your spirit matters, doesn't it?).

This divine mission is only accomplishable if each of us - especially YOU - tells 10 friends or more about this unique energized tea. Then your 10 friends tell each of their 10 friends, and so on. Your friends will appreciate you because Yin-Yang Healing Tea really works - no matter they drink tea or not currently! Qinway will also reward your virtue with a FREE set of Tea for every two people you refer.

We need your help to reach out to 80 million people waiting to get help, searching but couldn't find it...Its cost is so little, just a little of your time to bring up this exciting topic of Healing Tea when you get together with your friends and relatives.

Of course, the above rewards are just partial representation of your contribution, and the rest is the true meaning of your virtue.

qigong certificate

  V a l u e   P a c k a g e s   f o r   G r e a t e s t   B e n e f i t s
* Powerful Products
* Instant Connect: 3-in-1 Furnace
  Yin Yang Healing Tea
  Special Ability 3.2D
  Fundamental Healing DVD Kit   Rejuvenation Retreat

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