Qinway Qigong Certification

Qigong . Natural Healing . Rejuvenation . Special Abilities . Enlightenment

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Betty L. Woo

Lic. Acupuncturist

Growing up in a family where holistic medicine and Qigong healing was practiced, I have always been aware of what Qigong could offer.

Qigong bettyAfter graduating from New England School of Acupuncture School in 1997 and opening a successful private practice in Natick, MA, I realized that Qigong would add another dimension to my healing practices.I was very fortunate to have found Qigong Master Qinyin of the Qinway Qigong Institute. After completing the Qigong certification program in July 2002, I immediately incorporated Qinway Qigong/Special Abilities into my healing practice as well as instructing patients on the Qinway Qigong exercises to achieve and maintain good health. They have reported phenomenal results. Master Qin continues to transmit Qi to me and my students in every scheduled class.

The Qigong certification program is powerful, enjoyable, and easy to master. Whether you are a practitioner of alternative medicine, looking to add that other dimension to your healing program or an individual looking to become a instructor yourself, you will be amazed by the power of Qinway Qigong.

If your wish is to find a practical and effective certification program, Qinway Qigong is your answer.

Here are what some of my patients/Qigong students have to say.

Qigong is a dream come true for me. I started in September, 2003 with my acupuncturist and instructor Betty Woo.I noticed immediate physical results.I had increased energy, positive attitude, patience and overall mental, physical and spiritual upliftment. However, after two weeks of doing Qigong and using the Yin Yang Healing tea, I also started a Chinese Diet. As a result my back pain, knee pain and frequent urination was gone and I slept better at night.In 7 weeks I lost 30lbs and reduced my total cholesterol by 60 points, without the use of any medication!

It sounds unbelievable, but I have found my answer to whole health.-Alex

The first time I did Qinway Qigong was when I was experiencing sharp shooting pain down my left thigh.The pain was intense.After trying pain medication but only getting minor relief, I turned to Qigong.The pain disappeared after 1 Qigong session.The pain is now a part of the past. -Daniel

I have been instructing Qinway Qigong since August 02 and it is my pleasure to share the following:

Feedbacks from my Qigong student/patient:

Feeling of increased energy; weight loss; feeling of lightness; tingling sensation; floating sensation; hot sensation in areas of injury; better posture; decrease in PMS symptoms.


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