Q & A about Bigu

Natural Healing . Rejuvenation . Special Abilities . Enlightenment

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1.What is Bigu?

Bigu is a special Daoist technique using universal energy to replace regular food. It is based on the precondition of opening up the channels between the human being and the universe. This ancient technique for rejuvenation, longevity and immortalization used to take more than 10 years of diligent practice to achieve. With Qinway’s streamlined system and Grandmaster Qin’s unique ability to open students’ channels and give them individual signal support and directions, almost everyone, regardless of age, health or prior training, can start Bigu immediately.

Supported by universal energy during Bigu, you can achieve fundamental healing & rejuvenation while feeling energetic and not hungry. Therefore, Bigu is distinctively different from ordinary fasting, which may be dangerous. Bigu doesn’t mean “not eating”, but rather eating “signal healing food”.

With Qinway’s streamlined system and Grandmaster Qinyin’s unique ability to open students’ channels and give them individual signal support and directions, almost everyone, regardless of age, health or prior training, can start Bigu immediately.

Body quality start to change and get fundmental cleansing and rejuvenation after 108 days of bigu.

2. What do I eat during Bigu?

You will have energy supplies - a complete package including special healing food (fruits, vegetable and nuts) designed for you individually by Qigong Grandmaster Qinyin. Universal energy provides comprehensive nutrition and vital Qi not found in any food or supplement.

3. Do I need to be strong in order to do Bigu?

There is no requirements to be physically strong to do bigu. Many high-performing bigu students had serious diseases, including cancer, leukemia etc. See Testimonials

4. I'm a Christian. Is Qinway Qigong a Buddhist or Daoist practice?

No. If you are a Christian or practice other religions, this means that you already have a good spiritual foundation, and are ready for the spiritual Qinway Qigong System, which is a complete system of natural and self healing techniques. It makes use of the essence of ancient Chinese Daoist techniques, and it is not limited to any religion.

5. Do I need to stop working during Bigu? How long Bigu should I do?

No, but during bigu you need to have total 2 hours at different times per day to finish "Qigong homework", i.e. universal energy meal. How long to do bigu depends on your goal. The minimum recommendation is 14 days (2 days during retreat, and 12 days afterwards at home). If you wish to get a more complete healing and rejuvenation, and experience more higher dimension energy signals, then you may follow your "individual number". Qinway Qigong Institute will extend corresponding supports to you.

6. Will I lose weight during bigu if I'm skinny?

Bigu helps adjust your digestive system. Thus, overweight people will lose weight while underweight people may gain some during and after bigu.



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