930  Time-Space  Energy  Field

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930 Remote HealingRemote healing result is miracle!

As Qinway students and many karmic friends all know, 930 (September 30) is a special time-space energy field from the Qinway lineage that is celebrated by all Qinway students annually. Qinway students will never forget how powerful with 930 a few method in Magnetic "3 in 1" Intensive 3.3D retreat program!

what is the meaning of 930? 930 means at 9:30 pm of Sept 30, which is the most powerful time space field each year for Qinway with a secret history. At this time Qinway three high being systems will all come to provide energy signal support, and Grandmaster as a vehicle to help karma people.

According to Qinway's previous records, people got best 930 Healing Result always with order the energized products, because the energized products carried grandmaster's strong healing signals!

It is a great occasion for one to (re)connect with universal energy and receive this precious healing energy channel by Grandmaster from the Three Higher Being Systems (Quanyin Buddha, Medicine Buddha and the Qinway System).

See How Great the Feedbacks are:

At 9:30 Friday night, the connection was made. It was like I was in a dimly lit temple or perhaps a grotto. There was a container in which a fire was burning. The fire was a luminous green, with a color lumens intensity only seen in a higher dimension. Then it changed into the image of a vibrant, growing green plant. I consider this dual fire-plant vision as a wonderful symbol of the fire and growth now being kindled and growing in my life and career. I believe the energy received through GM’s transmission will further this process. - John. G. (Ojai, CA)

To Read More previous 930 feedbacks:

Terrific Feedbacks from 930 Remote Healing in 2018

Terrific Feedbacks from 930 Remote Healing in 2017

Terrific Feedbacks from 930 Remote Healing in 2014

Terrific Feedbacks from 930 Remote Healing in 2013

Terrific Feedbacks from 930 Remote Healing in 2012

Terrific Feedbacks from 930 Remote Healing in 2011

Terrific Feedbacks from 930 Remote Healing in 2006

Great Feedbacks from 930 Remote Healing in 2005

Wonderful Feedbacks from 930 Remote Healing in 2004

Great Feedbacks from 930 Remote Healing in 2003


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